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Isaac E.

COVID-19 and the spread of Social Contempt

Updated: Apr 18, 2020

The wave of information around the SARS-COV-2 and the havoc it is wreaking on humans and human institutions, the rate of panic and the resulting national and international lockdowns are at the moment not oblivious to anybody. COVID-19 has caused worry, despair and desperation to individuals, families and governments all around the world. Many have blamed governments for being slack and not taken early precautions to combat the swift spread of infections. But maybe this was also due to the fact that the professionals whom the governments relied on were at the onset of the virus in the dark about what to do. Many Doctors, Virologists and Disease Control professionals spoke about the uncertainty of possible solutions, how long it will take to pull through the crisis, the inexistence of Vaccine and if any at all, how long it will take to lay hand on a Vaccine.

In one article I read in the, titled “Intellectuals in the Time of Corona”, the writer describes the attitudes and mindset of a group of single mothers in Berlin and this has been the mindset of many as well. They describe Corona as being mother earth’s way of detoxing: “It's like Mother Earth is cleaning herself, said Natsacha the hippy mum dreamily … It's like, you know. Detoxing” ( But whether this is true or not I bet to differ. Coronavirus is horrible, brutal and very evil. It is wrecking human relationships and distancing personal contacts. While I might not be so much concerned about the impact on the economy but I do worry about the fact that this crisis is tearing social contacts apart.

Reports of the pandemic make it clear that death tolls are higher among ages 60-80 years.

Inasmuch as persons within the ages of 25 to 49 years have no reason to fear even if they are infected with the virus, it is eminent to know that these are predominantly the working class with kids who depend on the grandmothers and grandfathers to ease them in their daily activities. Grandmothers and Grandfathers are our source of strength, courage, advice and wisdom. If we don’t like them we should at least not pay them back in this contempt that their deaths mean detoxing. I might not have Grandparent but I am sure I want to see other Grandparents alive and supporting. Many children who love spending time with Grandpa and Grandma have to deter from this, parents have to risk their jobs to stay home. Der Spiegel, a mainstream German News Agency reports on its website about the worry of many Grandmas and Grandpas because they are not allowed to visit their Grandchildren anymore:

„Meine Mutter, 67, will partout nicht einsehen, dass sie ihre Enkel derzeit nicht treffen darf. Wir haben bereits darüber gesprochen - es wurde ja auch in den Medien darüber berichtet. Als meine Frau und ich dann vom Arbeitgeber gebeten wurden, ab sofort von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten, fragte sie gleich wieder: Soll ich dann nicht zu euch kommen und mich um die Kinder kümmern? Wir wollen sie nur schützen - sollte sie sich mit dem Coronavirus anstecken, würden wir uns das nicht verzeihen. Mit dem Alter steigt ja das Risiko, dass die Krankheit einen schweren Verlauf nimmt oder man sogar daran stirbt. Aber meiner Mutter scheint nicht klar zu sein, wie ernst die Lage ist. Was sollen wir ihr sagen“? In English: “My mother, 67, does not want to admit that she is currently not allowed to meet her grandchildren. We have already talked about it - it was also reported in the media. When my wife and I were asked by the employer to work from home immediately, she asked again: Shouldn't I come to you and take care of the children? We just want to protect her - if she got the corona virus, we would not forgive ourselves. With age, the risk increases that the disease takes a severe course or even dies. But my mother doesn't seem to realize how serious the situation is. What should we tell her?” (Carsten S., 39, München - This depicts clearly the level of confusion that the pandemic has created at home.

Climate Scientists report that as result of national lockdowns CO2 emissions have reduced drastically leading to a Temperature of almost 0 degrees in highly industrialized cities like Peking. This a loudable improvement we have always expected, but that can never replace a Grandma or Grandpa. This is why we should all join hands in fighting this horrible virus. Our hearts goes out to all who have lost their lives and those who have lost family members. Experts say as the weather gets warmer the level of spread can be curbed if not stopped. This also appears very hypothetical as the spread of the Virus has become very rapid in arid climates in Africa and Asia.

We look forward with hope to see a swift solution while our hearts go out to all seniors whose lives have been taken, as well as families who have lost relatives.

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